This is the second day of the Eid and the partying is still not done. Just around the corner where I live, I find the remains of yesterday's feast. See how many sheep you can identify.
Further down the street indications that the partying is long from over. Most of the pharmacies and stores selling food and gifts are open. In one, just off the 26th july street, preparations are made for tonight's festivities. Not really sure I want to buy my medicine or baby-formula there to be honest. Or could it be that they are actually trying to save the poor beast. Local surgery? After all it's belly and legs have already been shaven. I think I'll go for the second option.
The idea of killing an animal on and next to the sign of Aesclepius is just wrong. And that's not even thinking about health and safety issues. Health and safety? This is Egypt, man!
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